I'm a new user in Rebex. I downloaded RebexSecureMail-Trial-1.0.4050.0-DotNet2.0 and installed it.
In my VS 2005 project, I put these code below
Imports Rebex.Net
Imports Rebex.Net.Smtp
'Smtp.Send(_from, _to, _subject, _body, _server, _port)
Smtp.Send("def@gmail.com", "abc@gmail.com", "Sending Successfully", "Hello Win CE", "smtp.gmail.com", 25)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
But got the error below
There is no source code available for the current Location.
Could not load type 'Rebex.Net.Smtp' from assembly 'Rebex.Net.Smtp, Version=1.0.4050.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1C4638788972655D'.
How to fix this?
Thank you.