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by (120 points)

I'm getting this error when I try to login to my Mail Server (IMAP): "Clear text login is disabled and none of other supported authentication methods is accepted by the server"

Any idea?

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

1 Answer

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by (147k points)

This means that the Exchange server has been configured to require a secure authentication method. To log in, you either have to:

1) Try authenticating using NTLM by caling Imap object's `Login(userName, password, ImapAuthentication.Ntlm). Please note that Rebex Mail 1.0.3588.0 and later attempts this automatically. In Rebex Mail 1.0.3723.0 and later, you can try GSSAPI/Kerberos as well (ImapAuthentication.GssApi).

2) Establish an SSL-protected connection to the server before authenticating (needs Rebex Secure Mail or Rebex Secure IMAP).
