I understand that to read another user's Inbox I need to login with AUTHENTICATINGUSER + '\0' + MAILBOXUSER.
This appears to be working because the connect and login returns fine. But I still receive an error from Imap.SelectFolder("Inbox").
The code used to run fine but it may be that the Exchange servers are now clustered or something to cause IMAP Referrals to be sent back (I'm guessing). But is there a way to be sure, and what would I do about it? Here's the stack trace I get back. Not sure how to go about troubleshooting this.
Rebex.Net.ImapException occurred HResult=-2146233088 Message=There is no replica for that mailbox on this server (NO). Source=Rebex.Imap ProtocolCode=No ProtocolMessage=There is no replica for that mailbox on this server.
at Rebex.Net.Imap.1djEnpZ(String , ImapResponse , Boolean )
at Rebex.Net.Imap.1djEnpZ(String , ImapResponse )
at Rebex.Net.Imap.2Dt7i1Z(String , Object[] )
at Rebex.Net.Imap.1497pWZ(String , Boolean )
at Rebex.Net.Imap.SelectFolder(String folder, Boolean readOnly)
at Rebex.Net.Imap.SelectFolder(String folder)
at ImapDownload.Program.Main(String[] args)
Many thanks in advance,