As doing since years, I've downloaded the latest full version from my account.
Then I've installed it to the standard location.
After that, I'm directly copying the binaries from this location to my application:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rebex Components 2019 R4.2\bin\net-4.6
Still a test user of our application reports getting the error:
Trial license key for Rebex.Ftp not set. Please go to to get one and start your 30-day trial period.
Stack trace:
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.whyo(String eu, Int32 ev, TlsParameters ew, SslMode ex, FtpSecureUpgradeType ey)
at ZetaProducerPublishing.Runtime.Protocols.FtpProtocol.FtpEngine.<DoOpen>b__32_0()
My question:
Did anything change in the way of getting and using the binaries?