I'm sorry. The snipped was just a sample. It doesn't represent what I am going to achieve.
In a config file I define which folder should be processed. So I have to use client.FindFolder(EwsFolderId.Root, "INBOX");
The loop should show that I am accessing a folder that definitly exists.
GetFolderInfo(Id of "INBOX")
Method client.GetFolderInfo(EwsFolderId.Inbox);
raises EwsException Message "ErrorUnsupportedPropertyDefinition".
I've logged the communication when calling client.FindFolder(EwsFolderId.Root, "INBOX");
. How can attach this log file? Obviously all 19 Folders will be returned in the SOAP response. INBOX is a part of the results. But 18 other folders too.
INBOX and all other folders are unique. No one of them can be found by FindFolder. Maybe a problem with that specific exchange server? I have not problems on other servers.
Thanks and best wishes,