Wow. That first paragraph in bold. Relax Lukas. If I download a demo version and try something out, that makes me technically a prospect. If I am installing VS Mac and even compile test code, I'm more than a customer of your customer, I'm a cross platform developer myself, allthough I had not tried out this new approach. I had only used VS Windows for C/C++ development, and Xojo when I want to have simple common base code. So I am really interested in this product, or I would not even consider doing these tests.
Because Felix from Royal TSX had trouble reproducing these big speed differences, we agreed that it would be a good idea to ask you guys what could be the problem.
Regardless, thanks for your advice.
As I understand from your answer, Mono/.NET Core/macOS/C# is not fast enough. Let's hope it ever will be. And disabling AES/CGM ciphers could improve speed.
Earlier, I tried to use large buffers, but that didn't help.