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by (160 points)

Hi Currently I am connecting to Mainframe server to transfer file with username and password using below code.

Ftp ftp= new Ftp();
//ftp over ssl -> secure ftp protocol for mainframe
ftp.Settings.SslAcceptAllCertificates = true;
ftp.Connect(ftpServerName, SslMode.Explicit);
ftp.Login(ftpUserName, ftpPassword);
ftp.TransferType = FtpTransferType.Ascii;

ftp.PutFile(sourceFilePath, ftpFilePath);

But now I have to use password less approach to connect to Mainframe server. How can I achieve this in Rebex.

Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL

1 Answer

0 votes
by (74.0k points)
  1. For FTP password-less approach it is typically used username anonymous and password guest. Sometimes, for password is requested to enter an email address of the user connecting to the FTP server (see wiki).
    If it is not working for you, please refer to the mainframe's FTP server manual for details on how to achieve this.

  2. When you need urgent support, please make sure we are able to associate your support request with an active Rebex maintenance and support contract. Otherwise, we will be unable to prioritize your requests properly. At the moment, we cannot find your e-mail in our database - one of my colleagues will contact you via e-mail to sort this out soon.

by (160 points)
Can I use public key and private key to achieve password less approach ? If yes, how to do that ?
by (74.0k points)
1. Public and Private Key Authentication is used in SFTP protocol (not FTP/SSL). Are you using SFTP protocol? (public key auth can be achieved using Rebex Sftp class)

2. In FTP/SSL you can use Client Certificate Authentication. Do you mean this? (client cert auth can be achieved using Rebex Ftp class)

3. At the moment, we cannot find your support contract in our database - one of my colleagues contacted you yesterday via e-mail - can you please reply to him?