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by (120 points)

I have a FileServer that I use to transfer big files but I have an issue with a specific user, he's able to connect and start uploading the file, but after a while just got disconnected I included the ErrorOcurred event to catch the exception and I got this:

Timed out while waiting for a key exchange to complete.

at the second try I got:

Worker thread tried sending a packet not allowed in the current state.

I'm not sure why is this happening with this specific user due I have made a lot of different tests and all of them ends successfully

have you any idea on what am I doing wrong?


Applies to: File Server

1 Answer

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by (149k points)

This looks like an issue that was fixed in Rebex File Server 2017 R2. Please try upgrading to the latest release and let us know whether it solves the problem.
