This question was converted from this comment of another question.
I am trying to use your software that I intend to buy... Currently I am trying to upload a list of selected files as in your example "FtpWinFormClient_CS" :
"await _ftp.UploadAsync(path, ".", TraversalMode.Recursive, TransferMethod.Copy, ActionOnExistingFiles.ThrowException);" ,
But this method takes only file by file.
Here is my code :
List<String> FilesList = new List<String>();
if (listLocal.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
foreach (ListViewItem item in listLocal.SelectedItems)
string path = Path.Combine(_localPath, item.Text);
string combindedString = string.Join(",", FilesList);
await _ftp.UploadAsync(combindedString, ".", TraversalMode.Recursive, TransferMethod.Copy, ActionOnExistingFiles.ThrowException);
So the question is how to upload a list of selected files in a listview
In advance, thank you for your answer !