I want to connect to an exchange server via imap, but i get a "invalid imap response" error when using port 143 and "invalid tls packet received" error when using port 993 with implicit security.
Is it a configuration problem of the mailserver or is there an error in our code?
We are using Rebex R2016 R1.1
Following the rebex log:
First using port 143 with no Security and explicit sucurity
2016-06-21 15:10:52.120 Opening log file.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.121 Using FileLogWriter version 2.0.5885.0.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.129 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: State changed from 'Disconnected' to 'Connecting'.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.130 INFO Imap(1)[1] Info: Connecting to <URL>:143 using Imap 2.0.5885.0.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.131 INFO Imap(1)[1] Info: Connecting to <URL>.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.151 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: Connection succeeded.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.154 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: State changed from 'Connecting' to 'Reading'.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.158 INFO Imap(1)[1] Response: 220 <URL> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 21 Jun 2016 15:10:51 +0200
2016-06-21 15:10:52.160 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Disconnected'.
2016-06-21 15:10:52.163 ERROR Imap(1)[1] Info: Rebex.Net.ImapException: Invalid IMAP response.
bei Rebex.Net.Imap.ME(String Z, CCX D, String J, Boolean C)
bei Rebex.Net.Imap.RW(String Z, Int32 D, TlsParameters J, SslMode C)
Second using port 993 with implicit security
2016-06-21 15:11:23.941 Opening log file.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.941 Using FileLogWriter version 2.0.5885.0.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.949 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: State changed from 'Disconnected' to 'Connecting'.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.950 INFO Imap(1)[1] Info: Connecting to <URL>:993 using Imap 2.0.5885.0.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.951 INFO Imap(1)[1] Info: Connecting to <URL>.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.968 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: Connection succeeded.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.972 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] Info: Upgrading connection to TLS/SSL.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.994 INFO Imap(1)[1] TLS: State StateChange:Negotiating
2016-06-21 15:11:23.994 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] TLS: HandshakeMessage:ClientHello was sent.
2016-06-21 15:11:23.999 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] TLS: Invalid TLS packet received:
0000 |32-32-30-20-45-4D-41-49 4C-2E-73-74-72-61-74-6D| 220 EMAIL.stratm
0010 |61-6E-6E-2D-65-6E-74-73 6F-72-67-75-6E-67-2E-64| ann-entsorgung.d
0020 |65-20-4D-69-63-72-6F-73 6F-66-74-20-45-53-4D-54| e Microsoft ESMT
0030 |50-20-4D-41-49-4C-20-53 65-72-76-69-63-65-20-72| P MAIL Service r
0040 |65-61-64-79-20-61-74-20 54-75-65-2C-20-32-31-20| eady at Tue, 21
0050 |4A-75-6E-20-32-30-31-36 20-31-35-3A-31-31-3A-32| Jun 2016 15:11:2
0060 |33-20-2B-30-32-30-30-0D 0A | 3 +0200..
2016-06-21 15:11:24.006 DEBUG Imap(1)[1] TLS: Error while processing TLS packet: Rebex.Net.TlsException: Fatal error 'ProtocolVersion' has been encountered on the local connection end.
bei Rebex.Net.WVX.JP()
bei Rebex.Net.WVX.KP()
and the source code of connection in our interface:
if (nPort == 993)
this.Imap.Connect(this.URL, Rebex.Net.SslMode.Implicit);
if (nSSL == 1)
this.Imap.Connect(this.URL, nPort, Rebex.Net.SslMode.Explicit);
this.Imap.Connect(this.URL, nPort, Rebex.Net.SslMode.None);
this.Imap.Login(sUser, sPassword);