+1 vote
by (320 points)

Please note that current version does not include a GUI control for Xamarin Android. If you are interested in one, please let us know

I found the above note in following link

I am interested to get the GUI control for Xamarin Android and .net Framework(windows phone 10). So, can you please give me more information in this regard?

If we take the total pack license can you provide us with GUI control for Xamarin. Android and Windows phone 10?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (74.3k points)
edited by

Actually, the Terminal GUI control is not available for mobile devices yet, so we cannot send it to you even if you purchase Total Pack license, sorry!

If you need a GUI control on the Xamarin.Android/iOS or Windows Phone platforms, you can implement the rendering part yourself (all non-GUI functionality is already implemented).

To do it, you just need to implement IScreen interface (which is quite tiny). See Custom rendering section for information how to use your IScreen implementation.

However, I added you to the list of people interested in the GUI control, as we might implement the GUI controls for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. Please note that we do not plan to implement the Windows Phone GUI control due to missing graphics funcionality in the framework.

by (320 points)
Before proceeding further, we have some technical queries, is it possible to arrange a call with developers or technical team?
by (74.3k points)
Yes, it is possible.

We are located in Europe in GMT+1 Timezone.
Phone: +420 222 510 577

Can we set the call for next Monday (11th January)?
Alternatively, you can call today between 2pm and 4pm; or tomorrow between 10am and 3pm. But not all developers will be present.