0 votes
by (120 points)


When trying to connect to a localhost ( Pop3 server I get a ProtocolError saying: "Command not supported"

Do you not support connections to localhost, or is there a way to get around this?

The communication log looks like this: 2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 Opening log file.

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Info: Connecting to using Pop3 1.0.3588.0.

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 DEBUG Pop3(2) Info: Connection succeeded.

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Response: +OK POP3 Dualog Communicator Internet Agent ready

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Command: CAPA

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Response: +OK Capability list follows

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Command: APOP xxx@xxx.com 4bd2982ad4fc288506d1d5a62af4f609

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 INFO Pop3(2) Response: -ERR command not supported

2010-25-08 11:16:03.020 ERROR Pop3(2) Info: Rebex.Net.Pop3Exception: command not supported ved Rebex.Net.Pop3.1810748823(Boolean , Boolean , String& ) ved Rebex.Net.Pop3.20949316419(String , Boolean , Boolean ) ved Rebex.Net.Pop3.1634555338(String , String , Pop3Authentication , GssApiProvider ) ved Rebex.Net.Pop3.Login(String userName, String password, Pop3Authentication method)

The POP3 server is from Dualog

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

1 Answer

0 votes
by (13.3k points)
edited by

Connections to localhost are fully supported. Which POP3 server are you running on localhost? Could you please edit your question and include communication log as described in http://www.rebex.net/kb/logging.aspx so we can see which command triggered the "Command not supported" response? Alternatively you can send the log to support@rebex.net for analysis.

It seems that the original issue was caused by the Rebex POP3, which incorrectly used APOP command. In current version, the APOP is used only for servers which include a timestamp in its banner greeting. Examples:

+OK POP3 server ready <1896.697170952@dbc.mtview.ca.us>


+OK <dciaserv> POP3 Dualog Communicator Internet Agent ready

To explicitly disable APOP feature, set the Pop3.Settings.DisableApopAuthentication to true.

Hi Martin,
I have a similar error with Dualog POP3. here below the log received from TELNET

+OK <dciaserv> POP3 Dualog Communicator Internet Agent ready
user username@isn.dualog.net+OK user has mailbox
pass xxxxxxx
+OK maildrop locked for user
+OK messages list follows
1 3766
2 3766
3 3785
4 9490
5 20245
6 20249
7 20360
8 22137
retr 1
+OK message 1 follows
Received: from dualog.net(remoteHostName) by DUALOGSERVER.localhost with DCS (Du
alog DCS); Thu, 02 Mar 2017 15:23:20 +0000
Received: from MX2.dualog.no(<ukjent>) by TASK01. with SMTP (Dualog SMTP); Thu,
02 Mar 2017 15:04:06 +0000

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
by (73.6k points)
Hello David. Unfortunately, I cannot see, what is wrong from the TELNET log. Can you please post here the log produced by our component: http://www.rebex.net/kb/logging.aspx
Thank you
Here it is the log direct from the field.
Thank you very much for your quick answer.


2017-03-06 15:35:51.086 Opening log file.
2017-03-06 15:35:51.088 Using FileLogWriter version 2.0.5584.0.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.833 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Disconnected' to 'Connecting'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.846 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Info: Connecting to using Pop3 2.0.5584.0.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.888 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: Connection succeeded.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.888 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Connecting' to 'Reading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.897 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Received data:
 0000 |2B-4F-4B-20-3C-64-63-69 61-73-65-72-76-3E-20-50| +OK <dciaserv> P
 0010 |4F-50-33-20-44-75-61-6C 6F-67-20-43-6F-6D-6D-75| OP3 Dualog Commu
 0020 |6E-69-63-61-74-6F-72-20 49-6E-74-65-72-6E-65-74| nicator Internet
 0030 |20-41-67-65-6E-74-20-72 65-61-64-79-0D-0A      |  Agent ready..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.898 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Response: +OK <dciaserv> POP3 Dualog Communicator Internet Agent ready
2017-03-06 15:35:56.898 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Ready'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.903 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Ready' to 'Sending'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.904 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Sent data:
 0000 |43-41-50-41-0D-0A                              | CAPA..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.905 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Command: CAPA
2017-03-06 15:35:56.905 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Sending' to 'Reading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.905 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Received data:
 0000 |2B-4F-4B-20-43-61-70-61 62-69-6C-69-74-79-20-6C| +OK Capability l
 0010 |69-73-74-20-66-6F-6C-6C 6F-77-73-0D-0A-54-4F-50| ist follows..TOP
 0020 |0D-0A-55-53-45-52-0D-0A 55-49-44-4C-0D-0A-2E-0D| ..USER..UIDL....
 0030 |0A                                             | .
2017-03-06 15:35:56.905 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Response: +OK Capability list follows
2017-03-06 15:35:56.905 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Downloading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.906 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Response: TOP
2017-03-06 15:35:56.906 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Response: USER
2017-03-06 15:35:56.906 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Response: UIDL
2017-03-06 15:35:56.906 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Response: .
2017-03-06 15:35:56.906 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Downloading' to 'Ready'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.963 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Ready' to 'Sending'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.963 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Sent data:
 0000 |41-50-4F-50-20-61-72-6F 72-2E-75-62-63-2E-63-61| APOP aror.ubc.ca
 0010 |72-74-61-67-65-6E-61-40 69-73-6E-2E-64-75-61-6C| rtagena@isn.dual
 0020 |6F-67-2E-6E-65-74-20-37 62-36-33-36-66-65-63-31| og.net 7b636fec1
 0030 |65-32-34-65-65-33-61-31 64-35-61-30-34-66-62-33| e24ee3a1d5a04fb3
 0040 |30-37-30-31-30-62-63-0D 0A                     | 07010bc..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.963 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Command: APOP aror.ubc.cartagena@isn.dualog.net 7b636fec1e24ee3a1d5a04fb307010bc
2017-03-06 15:35:56.963 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Sending' to 'Reading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.964 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Received data:
 0000 |2D-45-52-52-20-63-6F-6D 6D-61-6E-64-20-6E-6F-74| -ERR command not
 0010 |20-73-75-70-70-6F-72-74 65-64-20-0D-0A         |  supported ..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.964 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Response: -ERR command not supported
2017-03-06 15:35:56.964 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Ready'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.968 ERROR Pop3(1)[3] Info: Rebex.Net.Pop3Exception: command not supported
   at Rebex.Net.Pop3.UZ(Boolean A, Boolean B, String& C)
   at Rebex.Net.Pop3.LU(String A, Boolean B, Boolean C)
   at Rebex.Net.Pop3.CV(String A, String B, Pop3Authentication C, GssApiProvider D)
   at Rebex.Net.Pop3.IP(String A, String B, Pop3Authentication C)
2017-03-06 15:35:56.969 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Ready' to 'Sending'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.969 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Sent data:
 0000 |51-55-49-54-0D-0A                              | QUIT..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.969 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Command: QUIT
2017-03-06 15:35:56.969 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Sending' to 'Reading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.970 VERBOSE Pop3(1)[3] Info: Received data:
 0000 |2B-4F-4B-20-50-4F-50-33 20-73-69-67-6E-69-6E-67| +OK POP3 signing
 0010 |20-6F-66-66-20-0D-0A                           |  off ..
2017-03-06 15:35:56.970 INFO Pop3(1)[3] Response: +OK POP3 signing off
2017-03-06 15:35:56.970 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Downloading'.
2017-03-06 15:35:56.971 DEBUG Pop3(1)[3] Info: State changed from 'Downloading' to 'Disconnected'.
by (73.6k points)
It seems that the server falsely claims it supports `APOP` feature: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1939#page-15
To explicitly disable it, please set the `Pop3.Settings.DisableApopAuthentication` to `true`.
by (73.6k points)
In version 2017 R2, we added a workaround for Dualog server, which automaticaly disables APOP feature.