I'm getting the following error on a widow 2003 server with FIPS enabled. It works fine on a window 7 machine.
Rebex.Net.SftpException: Key exchange failed. ---> Rebex.Net.SshException: Key exchange failed. ---> System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: FIPS-certified AES implementation is not available.
at Rebex.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.N()
at Rebex.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricKeyAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor()
at Rebex.Security.Cryptography.WU.T()
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.ZR(Byte[] A)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.ZR(Byte[] A)
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.YR()
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.Negotiate()
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.EEB.ZR(SDB A)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.KL(String A, Int32 B, SshParameters C, SDB D)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.KL(String A, Int32 B, SshParameters C, SDB D)
at Rebex.Net.Sftp.JL(String A, Int32 B, SshParameters C)
at sftp_connect.Program.uploadFile(String _database, String _localPath, String _fileName) in ...