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by (120 points)

Hello All,

  • I am facing this log continuously. we have used Rebex version 7.0.8581.0 so, is there any solution to resolve or overcome this issue in the desktop client application?
  • Rebex provides some other 2 higher versions like 7.0.8657 and 7.0.8720 we can use this version so, Is this connection-related issue resolved on that version?
  • Also, I have shared the stake trace for this log.

connection attempt timed out.

B5FD1AE6373841D38B87D3DB1946EFB0 Rebex.Net.SftpException: Connection attempt timed out. ---> Rebex.Net.ProxySocketException: Connection attempt timed out. at Rebex.Net.ProxySocket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP) at Rebex.Net.Sftp.wgkoy(String p0, Int32 p1, SshParameters p2, lszuz p3) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Rebex.Net.Sftp.wgkoy(String p0, Int32 p1, SshParameters p2, lszuz p3) at Rebex.Net.Sftp.dnubf(Object p0, Enum p1, Object[] p2) at zwiap.zyaqf.jcgnt(Object p0) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at DesktopClient.CommonClasses.SftpClient.ConnectSFTPServer(Boolean download)

Please provide a solution as soon as possible to avoid such kind of log.

Thank you in advance

Applies to: Rebex SFTP

1 Answer

0 votes
by (147k points)

I'm afraid this is not a Rebex issue. If this occurs often, it means that something is wrong with your machine's network connectivity.

The error comes from the operating system's TCP subsystem and indicates that an attempt to connect to a TCP endpoint failed because no response was received from it within the allocated timeout interval (which is a system-wide setting).

On windows, this error corresponds to Windows Socket error WSAETIMEDOUT (10060):

Connection timed out.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond.
