0 votes
by (120 points)


We using terminal control on my windows form. I am not able to type in this control. I configured UserInputEnabled true. can you give a suggestion?


Ramesh Devaraj

1 Answer

0 votes
by (147k points)


Which version of Rebex libraries do you use?
Do you experience the same issue with the TerminalClientWinForm sample application?

by (120 points)
We are using  Rebex 6.0.8060. we have issue with terminal control winforms
by (147k points)
Do you experience the same issue with the TerminalClientWinForm sample application?
by (120 points)
yes we have an issue with TerminalClientWinForm
by (147k points)
We are unable to reproduce the issue. What OS and .NET do you use?

And can you reproduce the issue by following the steps below?
1. Download and install the latest version of Rebex Terminal Emulation product to default location.
2. Run "c:\Program Files (x86)\Rebex Components R6.2\samples\bin\TerminalClientWinForm.exe" application.
3. In the 'File' menu, choose 'Connect...' and connect using SSH to test.rebex.net with "demo" and "password" as credentials.
4. Click the terminal area and try typing "dir".