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by (120 points)

I'am trying to connect to an OpenSSH server with your SSH WinFormClient example. With Putty i don't have any problems but with the example I just have this...

Exception occured: Rebex.Net.SshException: Authentication method not supported. Supported methods: 'keyboard-interactive'.

at Rebex.Net.SshSession.BhTajBZ(String , String )

at Rebex.Net.SshSession.cCIjvV(String , String , SshPrivateKey , SshGssApiCredentials )

at Rebex.Net.SshSession.Authenticate(String userName, String password, SshPrivateKey privateKey)

at Rebex.Net.Ssh.Login(String userName, String password, SshPrivateKey privateKey)

at Rebex.Samples.MainForm.menuItemConnect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:Program Files (x86)RebexTotal Pack for .NET 2.0SSH Shell for .NET 2.0samplesvs2008sourceWinFormClientMainForm.cs:line 344

I tried some modifications in the example but I don't know what to do.


by (147k points)

Would it be possible to copy&paste WinFormClient's communication log (preferably at 'Debug' log level - see its Connection dialog) and either add it to your forum post or mail it to support@rebex.net? That should make it possible to tell what is going on.

by (120 points)

There is no log option in the connection dialog of this example. If you send me something to do a test I will be glad to do so. I sent to you all I got.

I use your "Rebex SSH Client" example tying to learn something. I simply use this example exactly the same way than Putty that works well with my OpenSSH server.


by (120 points)

I just tried the SimpleWinFormClient and it connects like a charm. The SimpleWinFormClient use SshTerminalControl and WinFormClient use a Ssh connection with a TerminalControl.

Hope it help.

1 Answer

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by (120 points)

Finally it is simply my username that was mispelled... It's really not a good error message...

by (147k points)
We have enhanced these error messages a bit in the meantime.