0 votes
by (130 points)
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Please contact support@rebex.net to get a suitable trial key.

Background: Started a Visual Studio .NET Application - Targeted for .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0

Trying to use Rebex.SFTP version 3.0.6930.0 as that seemed compatiable.

Trial keys from the following URL don't seem to work:

Any Suggestions?

closed with the note: Best answer provided.
Applies to: Rebex SFTP

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (149k points)

Please use the following trial key to start a 30-day trial with a Legacy Edition of Rebex component for .NET Framework 2.0:

Rebex.Licensing.Key = "==AokfqTI1/1di06h7FI4SFExLdKorUgNk5W2AUowluzPY==";

Also, it's recommended to download the latest version that is still up-to-date with the mainstream edition:

To purchase the full version of a Legacy Edition, please contact us at sales@rebex.net

by (130 points)
Thank you so much. I finally got my hands on the exe that is having the SFTP issues. It is written in .NET Framework 1.2. So we will be upgrading the tool to .NET 4.5 and using the latest Rebex SFTP dll.
by (149k points)
The API of Rebex SFTP for .NET 4.x is a superset of the legacy version API, so the upgrade should be quite straightforward. If you run into any issues, please let us know.