We have used rebex for some years now and occasionally hit a server which requires specific setup. However, this one, we cannot get our Rebex client to connect to.
This is from the log file:
2020-05-05 16:11:24.286 Opening log file.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.286 INFO FileLogWriter(1)[5] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Common 2020 R1.1 for .NET 4.0-4.8
2020-05-05 16:11:24.302 INFO FileLogWriter(1)[5] Info: Platform: Windows 6.1.7601 64-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.36543
2020-05-05 16:11:24.302 DEBUG FileLogWriter(1)[5] Info: Culture: da; Windows-1252
2020-05-05 16:11:24.333 INFO Sftp(1)[5] Info: Connecting to using Sftp.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.349 INFO Sftp(1)[5] Info: Assembly: Rebex.Sftp 2020 R1.1 for .NET 4.0-4.8
2020-05-05 16:11:24.349 INFO Sftp(1)[5] Info: Platform: Windows 6.1.7601 64-bit; CLR: 4.0.30319.36543
2020-05-05 16:11:24.349 DEBUG Sftp(1)[5] Info: Culture: da; Windows-1252
2020-05-05 16:11:24.380 DEBUG Sftp(1)[5] Proxy: Connecting to 172.26.x.x:22 (no proxy).
2020-05-05 16:11:24.380 DEBUG Sftp(1)[5] Proxy: Connection established.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.427 DEBUG Sftp(1)[5] SSH: Server is 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.5'.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.442 INFO Sftp(1)[5] SSH: Negotiation started.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.849 DEBUG Sftp(1)[5] SSH: Negotiating key.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.880 ERROR Sftp(1)[7] SSH: Error occured while receiving SSH packet: Rebex.Net.SshException: The connection was closed by the server. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.qykt(Int32 auu, Int32 auv)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.qykt(Int32 auu, Int32 auv)
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.qykx(Byte[]& avc)
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.qylf()
at Rebex.Net.SshSession.gycv.qyme()
2020-05-05 16:11:24.880 ERROR Sftp(1)[5] SSH: Negotiation failed. The connection was closed by the server.
2020-05-05 16:11:24.896 ERROR Sftp(1)[5] Info: Rebex.Net.SshException: The connection was closed by the server. ---> Rebex.Net.SshException: The connection was closed by the server. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
However, FileZilla can connect without any further instructions.
Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla3.44.2
Trace: Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH7.5
Trace: Using SSH protocol version 2
Trace: Doing ECDH key exchange with curve Curve25519 and hash SHA-256
Trace: Server also has ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/ssh-rsa host keys, but we don't know any of them
Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
Trace: ssh-ed25519 256 c3:8e:8f:1b:40:e3:dd:a9:9d:7b:27:63:1c:41:85:04 HiZdKQt4nyc8f2cCeVeE+9FQkVU6MEw230j2T181ji0=
Trace: Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
Trace: Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 client->server MAC algorithm
Trace: Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
Trace: Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 server->client MAC algorithm
Trace: Attempting keyboard-interactive authentication
Trace: Server refused keyboard-interactive authentication
Command: Pass: xxx
Trace: Sent password
Trace: Access granted
Trace: Opening session as main channel
Trace: Opened main channel
I have tried several settings to try an force the rebex connection to use the same parameters as the filezilla, but with no luck.
Any suggestions as the log file is not really revealing what the issue is.