I am getting list time out issue when fetching files in the range of 80k or so, using SftpItemCollection List and files download being tested . With 50k it worked fine and got downloaded successfully by 6 minutes or so. Please advise a solution ASAP.
Exception is as below:
List Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
i have followed below code level:
_listSftp.ListItemReceived += (s, e) =>
SftpItem item = e.Item;
objSFTPFile = new SFTPFile();
objSFTPFile.FileType = "DDS300";
objSFTPFile.Extension = "DDR";
objSFTPFile.Status = SFTPStatus.L.ToString();
objSFTPFile.FileName = item.Name.Trim();
objSFTPFile.FileSize = item.Size;
objSFTPFile.Mode = SFTPMode.D.ToString();
objSFTPFile.BankCode = Common.BANKCODE;
Common.WriteLog(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " FileType: " + objSFTPFile.FileType + " FileName: " + objSFTPFile.FileName, ServiceThread.Listing.ToString());
// skip adding item to resulting collection
// clear resulting collection first
// issue directory listing
SftpItemCollection List = _listSftp.GetList(GetSFTPServerPath("st"));
and then saved to Table in sql where command time out also is given. (600 or so)