0 votes
by (120 points)

Hi Rebex Team,

I am getting following exception when trying to connect to a Mailbox with Imap Client.

We are reading a few mailboxes through one console service, in this process we need to connect each mailbox and read the unread mails, in this process we are getting below exception.

Please note, if i restart "MailEnable IMAP Service" and run the above service it's working fine but in consequence service running intervals getting below error.

Please suggest asap, thanks in advance

Rebex.Net.ImapException: The server has closed the connection. at
Rebex.Net.WM.JB(Byte[] A, Int32 B, Int32 C) at
Rebex.Net.WM.GB(Int32& A) at Rebex.Net.Imap.HU() at
Rebex.Net.Imap.FU(String A, ArrayList B) at
Rebex.Net.Imap.CM(String A, VM B, String C, Boolean D) at
Rebex.Net.Imap.TM(String A, Int32 B, TlsParameters C, ImapSecurity D)
at Rebex.Net.Imap.SM(String A, Int32 B, TlsParameters C, ImapSecurity

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

1 Answer

0 votes
by (147k points)

Hi, please create a communication log using Imap object's LogWriter property and either post it here or mail it to support@rebex.net for analysis. This should give us some clues about what is going on.
