I was testing this component out, looking for a really fast and easy component to use and didn't have an issue encrypting large files. Speed is important. This component is really nice in those terms and I will be purchasing it soon.
I was search for a new component to replace the built in file.encrypt method in .net. Which has some limitations with files that need to be access from a web farm.
Here's what you can change to make this component that much nicer.
- The File.Encrypt method, encrypts the file. It doesn't rename it to a different file. It will be nice if this component did the same thing.
- If you can't accomplish the above, there should be an option to delete the old file, after the encryption is done.
Right now, I have to do file.delete(filename). It's not a big deal, but it will be nice if it was built in.
Just a suggestion.