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by (470 points)


I just upgrade my 5.xx version to latest one and I'm getting some weird errors in code, as shown below:

Errors on VS2022 VB.NET

Interesting notice that I'm using Rebex.Security, Rebex.FTP, Rebex.Tls, Rebex.Networking, Rebex.Http and Rebex.Common. and these erros didn't raise if using the version 5.4.

Thanks for any help!
Kindest regards,

Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL
by (470 points)

I had to checkmark some "Imported Namespaces" on PROJECT - REFERENCES and manually add  some "imports" within my modules.

1 Answer

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by (149k points)
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Best answer

Thanks for letting us know you you resolved this. The classes and enums from your screenshot are still available with 6.x version in Rebex.IO, Rebex.Security.Certificates, Rebex.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs namespace (like 5.x).
