Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get the new uniqueID of a copied message. The IMAP protocol's COPY command doesn't return this information, which is very unfortunate.
But the following approach usually works and is simple enough:
' get the "next unique ID" of the target folder '
Dim nextUniqueId As String = imap.GetFolderInfo("Other").NextUniqueId
' select the Inbox folder and copy a set of messages to Other folder'
imap.CopyMessage(messageSet, "Other")
' select the Other folder and search for all messages whose unique ID '
' is equal to "next unique ID" or larger '
Dim newSet As New ImapMessageSet
newSet.AddRange( _
nextUniqueId, _
ImapMessageSet.BuildUniqueId(imap.CurrentFolder.ValidityId, UInt32.MaxValue))
ImapMessageCollection list = _
imap.Search(ImapListFields.UniqueId, ImapSearchParameter.MessageSet(newSet))
' now, the list should contain info about the copy message '
' including its unique ID '
(You might also speed things up a bit more (depending on the server) by selecting folders in read-only mode (see SelectFolder's second argument).)