+1 vote
by (210 points)


We have purchased your SFTP libraries few years back and planning to update it to Nuget packages now. Do you have any matching Nuget packages in Nuget.org?


Applies to: Rebex SFTP

1 Answer

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by (149k points)
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Best answer

Update: Rebex NuGet packages have been released to nuget.org as part of version 2017 R3. The NuGet edition acts in either trial or full license mode based on the key that you provide to it.
Apart from the special NuGet edition we also offer private NuGet packages as part of the full installer.

Not yet, but we are already working on this and plan to publish all our libraries on Nuget.org very soon after the next release.

If you would like to try the current beta Nuget packages (not available on Nuget.org yet), please let us know.
