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by (140 points)


how can I add the TerminalControl to the form, when the SSH Shell was installed as a .nuget package?

thank you,

1 Answer

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by (149k points)

When you add a NuGet package to your Visual Studio project and rebuild it, VS is supposed to add the controls to the designer's Toolbox automatically, unless this feature has been swithed off using Tools -> Options -> Windows Forms Designer -> General -> Toolbox -> Automatically Populate Toolbox option in Visual Studio's menu. If this doesn't work, try cleaning/closing/reopening/rebuilding the solution.

by (140 points)
Hello Lukas, the problem was found.
unfortunately the Terminal Control is not included in the Rebex.SshShell nuget package and should be installed separately as Rebex.Terminal.Control nuget package
by (149k points)
Thanks for letting us know!
Yes, the Rebex.Terminal.Control package is required because it provides the TerminalControl class.
(The package is not referenced by Rebex.SshShell because the shell is multi-platform, while Rebex.Terminal.Control only supports Windows.)