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by (280 points)
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My Employer migrated to a new FTP Server using the GlobalScape FTP Server product last week. My Windows Service that had been working with a GlobalScape FTP Server on the old server, could not download any files on the new server, even though files exist. FTP.GetItems.Count always returned 0.

So I tried using your WinForm Sample Client application. I got the same results. I set the Logging Level to Verbose and connected successfully. I can see the Directory names and Filenames listed in the logging window, but none of the Directory names or Filenames are listed in the left hand that should show the FTP files/directory names. The Verbose log does not show any errors or weird messages that I can see. What should I be looking for or asking my Corp IT to change/set for the FTP Server.

I can use the FileZilla FTP Client and see files and browse directories successfully.

Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL, Rebex SFTP
by (280 points)
Here is the Verbose Log File.

14:08:58.775 Info Command: QUIT
14:08:58.785 Info Response: 421 Connection time-out, closing control connection.
14:09:04.808 Info Info: Connecting to ???.???.???.???:21 using Ftp 4.0.5715.0.
14:09:04.808 Info Info: Using proxy none.
14:09:04.868 Debug Info: Connection succeeded.
14:09:04.928 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-32-30-20-0D-0A                              | 220 ..
14:09:04.938 Info Response: 220
14:09:04.958 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |55-53-45-52-20-65-72-67 6F-6E-5F-6A-61-63-6B-73| USER xxxxx
 0010 |6F-6E-0D-0A                                    | xx..
14:09:04.958 Info Command: USER xxxxxxx
14:09:04.998 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |33-33-31-20-50-61-73-73 77-6F-72-64-20-72-65-71| 331 Password req
 0010 |75-69-72-65-64-20-66-6F 72-20-65-72-67-6F-6E-5F| uired for ergon_
 0020 |6A-61-63-6B-73-6F-6E-2E 0D-0A                  | jackson...
14:09:04.998 Info Response: 331 Password required for xxxxxx.
14:09:04.998 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |50-41-53-53-20-42-38-67 56-39-46-57-58-0D-0A   | PASS xxxxxx..
14:09:05.008 Info Command: PASS ********
14:09:05.158 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-33-30-20-4C-6F-67-69 6E-20-4F-4B-2E-20-50-72| 230 Login OK. Pr
 0010 |6F-63-65-65-64-2E-0D-0A                        | oceed...
14:09:05.158 Info Response: 230 Login OK. Proceed.
14:09:05.168 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |46-45-41-54-0D-0A                              | FEAT..
14:09:05.168 Info Command: FEAT
14:09:05.208 Info Response: 211-Features supported:
14:09:05.208 Info Response:  COMB target;source_list
14:09:05.208 Info Response:  REST STREAM
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  SIZE
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  MDTM
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  MFMT
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  XCRC filename;start;end
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  SSCN
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  MLST Size*;Modify*;Create;Type*;Unique;Perm*;Lang;Media-Type;CharSet;
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  XNOP
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  UTF8
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  UTF-8
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  LANG EN*
14:09:05.218 Info Response:  CLNT
14:09:05.218 Info Response: 211 END
14:09:05.218 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |53-59-53-54-0D-0A                              | SYST..
14:09:05.228 Info Command: SYST
14:09:05.268 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-31-35-20-55-4E-49-58 20-54-79-70-65-3A-20-4C| 215 UNIX Type: L
 0010 |38-0D-0A                                       | 8..
14:09:05.268 Info Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
14:09:05.268 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |4F-50-54-53-20-55-54-46 38-20-4F-4E-0D-0A      | OPTS UTF8 ON..
14:09:05.268 Info Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
14:09:05.318 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-30-30-20-45-6E-74-65 72-69-6E-67-20-55-54-46| 200 Entering UTF
 0010 |2D-38-20-6D-6F-64-65-2E 0D-0A                  | -8 mode...
14:09:05.318 Info Response: 200 Entering UTF-8 mode.
14:09:05.318 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |4F-50-54-53-20-4D-4C-53 54-20-53-69-7A-65-3B-4D| OPTS MLST Size;M
 0010 |6F-64-69-66-79-3B-43-72 65-61-74-65-3B-54-79-70| odify;Create;Typ
 0020 |65-3B-50-65-72-6D-3B-0D 0A                     | e;Perm;..
14:09:05.318 Info Command: OPTS MLST Size;Modify;Create;Type;Perm;
14:09:05.358 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-30-30-20-4D-4C-53-54 20-4F-50-54-53-20-0D-0A| 200 MLST OPTS ..
14:09:05.368 Info Response: 200 MLST OPTS
14:09:05.368 Debug Info: Starting data transfer.
14:09:05.368 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |54-59-50-45-20-41-0D-0A                        | TYPE A..
14:09:05.368 Info Command: TYPE A
14:09:05.418 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-30-30-20-54-79-70-65 20-73-65-74-20-74-6F-20| 200 Type set to
 0010 |41-2E-0D-0A                                    | A...
14:09:05.428 Info Response: 200 Type set to A.
14:09:05.438 Debug Info: Accepting data connection.
14:09:05.458 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |50-4F-52-54-20-31-30-2C 33-2C-30-2C-38-35-2C-32| PORT 10,3,0,85,2
 0010 |30-38-2C-31-38-31-0D-0A                        | 08,181..
14:09:05.468 Info Command: PORT 10,3,0,85,208,181
14:09:05.498 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-30-30-20-43-6F-6D-6D 61-6E-64-20-6F-6B-61-79| 200 Command okay
 0010 |2E-0D-0A                                       | ...
14:09:05.508 Info Response: 200 Command okay.
14:09:05.520 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |4D-4C-53-44-0D-0A                              | MLSD..
14:09:05.521 Info Command: MLSD
14:09:05.583 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |31-35-30-20-4F-70-65-6E 69-6E-67-20-42-49-4E-41| 150 Opening BINA
 0010 |52-59-20-6D-6F-64-65-20 64-61-74-61-20-63-6F-6E| RY mode data con
 0020 |6E-65-63-74-69-6F-6E-20 66-6F-72-20-4D-4C-53-44| nection for MLSD
 0030 |20-2F-2E-0D-0A                                 |  /...
14:09:05.593 Info Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD /.
14:09:05.643 Debug Info: Data connection accepted from 999.999.999.999:20.
14:09:05.653 Verbose Info: Checking incoming data.
14:09:05.663 Verbose Info: Received 815 bytes of data through data connection.
14:09:05.673 Debug Info: Item:  /
14:09:05.683 Debug Info: Item:  ABC-Test
14:09:05.693 Debug Info: Item:  APIndex Samples
14:09:05.703 Debug Info: Item:  APIndex_Backup
14:09:05.713 Debug Info: Item:  AutoFTP Files
14:09:05.733 Debug Info: Item:  DIP
14:09:05.743 Debug Info: Item:  E-03132014
14:09:05.753 Debug Info: Item:  E
14:09:05.763 Debug Info: Item:  EIS Error 2015-03-13
14:09:05.823 Debug Info: Item:  High Dollar
14:09:05.833 Debug Info: Item:  INCOMING WIRE TRANSFERS
14:09:05.853 Debug Info: Item:  Legacy AP
14:09:05.863 Debug Info: Item:  m_invoices
14:09:05.873 Debug Info: Item:  MIRO Web Service
14:09:05.913 Debug Info: Item:  PC and Cell Phone Request
14:09:05.953 Debug Info: Item:  Size Correction Tool
14:09:06.023 Debug Info: Item:  APINDEX13
14:09:06.033 Debug Info: Item:  APINDEX14
14:09:06.063 Verbose Info: Checking incoming data.
14:09:06.073 Debug Info: Data transfer ended. 815 bytes transferred.
14:09:06.083 Debug Info: Closing downloading data connection.
14:09:06.093 Debug Info: Waiting for data transfer ending message.
14:09:06.103 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-32-36-20-54-72-61-6E 73-66-65-72-20-63-6F-6D| 226 Transfer com
 0010 |70-6C-65-74-65-2E-20-38 31-35-20-62-79-74-65-73| plete. 815 bytes
 0020 |20-74-72-61-6E-73-66-65 72-72-65-64-2E-20-38-31|  transferred. 81
 0030 |35-20-62-70-73-2E-0D-0A                        | 5 bps...
14:09:06.113 Info Response: 226 Transfer complete. 815 bytes transferred. 815 bps.
14:09:06.123 Debug Info: Data transfer ended.
14:09:06.123 Debug Info: Transfer ended successfully.
14:09:06.123 Debug Info: Data connection closed.
14:09:06.143 Verbose Info: Sent data over control connection:
 0000 |50-57-44-0D-0A                                 | PWD..
14:09:06.143 Info Command: PWD
14:09:06.183 Verbose Info: Received data over control connection:
 0000 |32-35-37-20-22-2F-22-20 69-73-20-63-75-72-72-65| 257 "/" is curre
 0010 |6E-74-20-66-6F-6C-64-65 72-2E-0D-0A            | nt folder...
14:09:06.183 Info Response: 257 "/" is current folder.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (149k points)
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Best answer

This is caused by a bug in GlobalScape FTP Server's OPTS MLST command implementation - when the client requests specific facts to be sent in respnse to MLST/MLSD commands, GlobalScale EFT Server 7.1.x resets its fact list instead and only sends a file names in response to all subsequence MLST/MLSD commands. Interestingly, this bug was not present in older versions of GlobalScape servers.

This issue was recently discovered by one of our clients. I have already reported it to GlobalScape, but got no response so far. Hopefully, they will fix this soon.

In any case, the next release of Rebex FTP/SSL will feature an automated workaround for this server bug. In the meantime, download a trial hotfix (I sent a link to the full version to your e-mail.)

Users with active support contract, please send us an email to support@rebex.net and we'll send you a full hotfix version.

by (280 points)

Can these be used with the 2015 R4.1 release?  I am getting an Trial License error when I have a licensed subscription of the File Transfer Pack.

Trial license key not set. Please go to http://www.rebex.net/support/trial-key.aspx to get one and start your 30-day trial period. ---> Rebex.MNB: Trial license key not set. Please go to http://www.rebex.net/support/trial-key.aspx to get one and start your 30-day trial period.
by (58.9k points)
Hello, the link to the hotfix published here at the forum is a trial version only (because it is publicly visible to any forum.rebex.net visitor).

Lukas has sent a private email to you a few hours ago. The email contains link to download the full version. Please download from there and use these full hotfix binaries ("RebexFileTransferPack-HotfixBuild5771-Full-Binaries.zip") instead of the trial ones.
by (280 points)

Thanks for clarifying that for me.  I am now able to successfully get a list of files from the Globalscape FTP.  

Thanks for the quick response and fix.  
