We are using a version 1.0.5298.0 of Rebex.Terminal. And are trying to execute a command against a linux box using RunCommand. I have noted that the Timeout i set is not being respected.
let client = new Ssh()
client.Timeout <- 900000
client.Connect(hostname, port)
client.Login(username, generateSshPrivateKey (password, certificate))
No matter what value i set in timeout the behaviour remains the same. Is this being ignored in this version of rebex? Ive looked at the changelog but havnt found anything to suggest i do need to ensure we have a more up-to-date version.
Am i setting the timeout correctly? is there something i need to configure specifically regarding RunCommand to ensure it does not timeout?
Basically most commands we execute run successfully but any attempt to "sleep" >= 60s causes the timeout (the default it seems). We are going to want to execute long running commands where they may be periods if inactivity, i.e. no response may be received for > 60s
Any tips/help greatly received