Program works on 15+PC's but doesn't on 1. It connects,changes directory then timeouts on getlist.
Bad PC:
2014-30-10 10:43:14.280 Opening log file.
2014-30-10 10:43:14.311 INFO Ftp(1) Command: USER *********
2014-30-10 10:43:14.389 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 331 Password required for
2014-30-10 10:43:14.389 INFO Ftp(1) Command: PASS *********
2014-30-10 10:43:14.499 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 230 User logged in
2014-30-10 10:43:14.514 INFO Ftp(1) Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2014-30-10 10:43:14.577 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
2014-30-10 10:43:14.608 INFO Ftp(1) Command: CWD rwa/GEMS_NET
2014-30-10 10:43:14.670 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 250 CWD command successful
2014-30-10 10:43:14.670 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Starting data transfer.
2014-30-10 10:43:14.670 INFO Ftp(1) Command: TYPE A
2014-30-10 10:43:14.733 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 200 Type set to A
2014-30-10 10:43:14.733 INFO Ftp(1) Command: PASV
2014-30-10 10:43:14.795 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (68,195,249,146,148,208)
2014-30-10 10:43:14.795 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Establishing data connection.
2014-30-10 10:43:14.795 INFO Ftp(1) Command: MLSD
2014-30-10 10:43:14.920 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
2014-30-10 10:43:45.922 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 226 Transfer complete
2014-30-10 10:44:15.923 INFO Ftp(1) Info: Timing out.
2014-30-10 10:44:15.970 ERROR Ftp(1) Info: Error while reading data: Rebex.Net.FtpException: Timeout exceeded.
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.CheckTimeout()
at Rebex.Net.FtpDownloadStream.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Rebex.Net.FtpDownloadStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
2014-30-10 10:44:15.970 ERROR Ftp(1) Info: Rebex.Net.FtpException: Timeout exceeded.
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.CheckTimeout()
at Rebex.Net.FtpDownloadStream.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Rebex.Net.FtpDownloadStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Rebex.Net.BandwidthStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.DownloadFile(String command, Stream outputStream, Int64 remoteOffset)
2014-30-10 10:44:15.970 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Closing downloading data connection.
2014-30-10 10:44:15.970 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Transfer ended successfully.
2014-30-10 10:44:15.970 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Data connection closed.
Good PC:
2014-30-10 10:30:15.289 Opening log file.
2014-30-10 10:30:15.299 INFO Ftp(1) Command: USER *********
2014-30-10 10:30:15.489 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 331 Password required for
2014-30-10 10:30:15.489 INFO Ftp(1) Command: PASS *********
2014-30-10 10:30:15.999 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 230 User logged in
2014-30-10 10:30:16.009 INFO Ftp(1) Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2014-30-10 10:30:16.049 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 200 UTF8 set to on
2014-30-10 10:30:16.109 INFO Ftp(1) Command: CWD rwa/GEMS_NET
2014-30-10 10:30:16.179 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 250 CWD command successful
2014-30-10 10:30:16.199 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Starting data transfer.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.209 INFO Ftp(1) Command: TYPE A
2014-30-10 10:30:16.239 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 200 Type set to A
2014-30-10 10:30:16.239 INFO Ftp(1) Command: PASV
2014-30-10 10:30:16.279 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (68,195,249,146,217,118).
2014-30-10 10:30:16.289 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Establishing data connection.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.339 INFO Ftp(1) Command: MLSD
2014-30-10 10:30:16.369 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
2014-30-10 10:30:16.839 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Data transfer ended.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.839 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Closing downloading data connection.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.849 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Waiting for data transfer ending message.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.889 INFO Ftp(1) Response: 226 Transfer complete
2014-30-10 10:30:16.889 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Data transfer ended.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.889 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Transfer ended successfully.
2014-30-10 10:30:16.889 DEBUG Ftp(1) Info: Data connection closed.