Using Putty
On typing show version in Putty, I get a screenful of information, followed by ---- More------
The more is the result of the "term pager lines" command set to a non zero value. If the uers sets the "term pager lines" to 0, the ---- More------ shall not be displayed.

I am seeing the above exception when I am trying to ReadUntilPrompt from my program. Probably ReaduntilPrompt cant read the entire output as the ---More--- appears.
Hence, in my C# program I used the following code,to turn off the --- More ---, by setting the term pager to 0 .
script.SendCommand("term pager lines 0");
script.SendCommand("show version");
string response = script.ReadUntilPrompt();
With the above code I am not seeing a string very different from what is outputted by Putty.

Please let me know how can I solve this problem and get the output just as Putty gives.
PS. If I log into the terminally manually via Putty, and execute the command term pager lines 0", the --- More --- goes away. Then if I run my C# program, it provides the response string similar to that of Putty.
INFORMATION - 12 Nov 2014
The ERROR %Invalid input.. string is shown when the device is not in elevated mode and has the prompt > .
When the prompt is # it is not going through; just replace the > with the # sign in the Detectprompt method provided in the thread.
string line = script.ReadUntil("#" & ScriptEvent.Delay(300));