Hello I'm new to SSH FTP
Currently I'm using the trial version of the Rebex SFTP Component.
When I connect to a server I get a fingerprint from the server's public key. So far it's ok I can upload and download files.
But when I connect to the same server through an SFTP client (let's say WinSCP or PUtty) the fingerprint displayed is other different than the one I saw using the Rebex Component.
Once I connect with the client software I can see the directories and files I uploaded using Rebex however.
I tried to get the fingerprint appling the signature hash alghoritms available in the Rebex Component (MD5, SH1...) but I could not get the same fingerprint determinated by the client software.
Does anyone know how could this happen?
Is there some SSH fact I do not know?
Is this risky? (I've seen either fingerprints take me to the same server, that's a good sign, isn't it :))
Warm Regards