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by (120 points)

Quite often I am using RebexTinyWebServer as Download Server. Presenting a Directory Listing of the webroot directory would therefore be useful. Deleting "index.html" as in other web servers does not work, outcommenting 'add key="defaultFile" value="index.html"' in the config file or replacing it with 'add key="defaultFile" value="dummy.html' and an empty dummy.html neither.
Any idea? I won't believe that this smart webserver is not able to present an index/file listing of the webroot and/or folders below.


1 Answer

0 votes
by (74.0k points)

Unfortunately, the auto-generated HTTP response of a directory listing is currently not supported. However, it is planned feature.

I will increase the priority of this feature. I will let you know here when it is added.

Any news on this feature? I am trying to do exactly this... I just want a 'small' Web Server to run on my PC which will allow me to list a directory on another device/browser and open a file.

Is there any way to achieve this?
by (74.0k points)
The "Directory browsing" feature will be part of the next version.

Preview build including the feature is available on request.
Hi could I get the preview?
by (74.0k points)
Preview version is available at https://www.rebex.net/getfile/46259c64eaab4d1095d8606ebb2aaf25/RebexTinyWebServer-Binaries-v1.0.4-preview1.zip

To enable Directory Browsing functionality set "directoryBrowsing" in config to "true":

    <add key="directoryBrowsing" value="true" />
It seems like the uploaded preview has expired.

Can it be re-uploaded?
by (74.0k points)
Sure, you can download it now.