I try to connect using the hostname: sw.mehome.net, and I get the error:
"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
I use this code:
client.Connect(hostname, port)
client.Login(username, password)
' run the 'uname' command to retrieve OS info
Dim systemName As String = client.RunCommand("uname -a")
' display the output
Console.WriteLine("OS info: {0}", systemName)
' create client, connect and log in
' ...
' start the 'df' command to retrieve disk usage info
Dim shell As Shell = client.StartCommand("df")
' read all response, effectively waiting for the command to end
Dim response As String = shell.ReadAll()
' display the output
Console.WriteLine("Disk usage info:")
I've declared hostname, password, username and port.. Please help.