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by (120 points)

Validate the key before accepting the connection using the PreAuthentication. I'm not able to find any method to read the key on PreAuthentication handler

1 Answer

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by (149k points)

What are you actually trying to achieve?

The PreAuthentication event is raised at the beginning of the authentication process, before a client's key or password has been received. Therefore, it's not possible to validate the key at that point. Please use Authentication event instead to validate the client key:

by (120 points)
Thanks for your reply,

I understood, but the issue is in Authentication method (After accepting the connection), It display the Password prompt to user to enter the private key password (filezilla, winscp, or any other provider).

That is the issue, We need to validate the User name and it's key details before accepting the connection.
by (149k points)
Thanks for the clarification, it looks like you ran into a missing feature that triggers an unexpected client-side behavior with some clients (such as FileZilla). We'll look into this now and keep you updated via e-mail, along with an explanation of what's actually going on.
by (149k points)
We are still waiting for your response to our e-mail from 2023-02-21. Please get in touch with sales@rebex.net to resolve the licensing issue.