0 votes
by (180 points)


Using FTP Explicit connection, I may have this rare bug :

GetFile method Never ends. No exception, and the method seems to be locked in a infinite loop.

I can provide you a dotTrace snapshot if you want or I can write you what are the involved method Names (obfuscated names).


Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL
by (149k points)

Hi, how often does this occur? If possible, send us both the snapshot (we don't currently use dotTrace, but might give it a try) and the list of involved methods (a screenshot with a stack trace might be sufficient) and we will look into this. A communication log produced with Ftp object's LogWriter property (see http://www.rebex.net/kb/logging/ for details) might also be useful. Thanks!

by (180 points)

OK, I'll do this. Where do I send that ? On this thread or to an email adress ?

This occurs about every 500 downloads.

by (18.1k points)

Better to mail - support@rebex.net

by (180 points)

Email is gone to support

1 Answer

0 votes
by (18.1k points)

Hi, sorry for the delay!

We sent a link to a slightly modified build of Rebex FTP/SSL to your email. We added few extra log messages and changed the code a bit. Does it still hang? Does it still lock in the infinite loop? If it does, please send us a log produced with the LogWriter property at LogLevel.Debug (the same as before). Thanks!
