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by (120 points)

We are using Rebex against a huge number of devices.

For one specific server we are able to connect and login without problems.

When we do StartScripting, we get this exception and stacktrace:

The operation was not completed within the specified time limit. at Rebex.Net.Ssh.QFE(TerminalOptions N, Int32 M, Int32 U) at Rebex.Net.Ssh.SFE(TerminalOptions N, Int32 M, Int32 U) at Rebex.Net.Ssh.SFE(String N, TerminalOptions M, Int32 U, Int32 I) at Rebex.Net.Ssh.StartScripting(String command, TerminalOptions options, Int32 columns, Int32 rows) at SamCommon.CliHandlerGeneric.SetupConnection(String Pretext) in C:\SamRepo\SamCommon\CliHandler.vb:line 1547

Can you spot what this is ?

We are calling StartScripting without parameters

by (74.3k points)
It is hard to say what went wrong without additional details. Can you please provide VERBOSE log of the communication?

Just specify Ssh.LogWriter as described at https://www.rebex.net/kb/logging/ and use LogLevel.Verbose.

You can either post it here or send it to support@rebex.net for analysis.
by (120 points)
Hi, it was a timeout setting tucked away in a place we normally do not use :-( So it is solved now. Thank you for your resonse!

1 Answer

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by (74.3k points)

I am glad that you were able to solve the issue. Thank you for the information.
