Which version of Rebex FTP do you use? With the current version, I'm easily able to achieve transfer speeds of around 100 MB per seconds, with TLS encryption, when running over a fast network, using the following simple console app:
var ftp = new Ftp();
ftp.Settings.UseLargeBuffers = true;
ftp.UploadBufferLength = 128 * 1024;
ftp.Connect("myserver", 21, SslMode.Explicit);
ftp.Login("user", "password");
string fileName = "data.bin";
byte[] data = Rebex.Security.Cryptography.CryptoHelper.GetRandomBytes(256 * 1024 * 1024);
int ticks = Environment.TickCount;
ftp.PutFile(new MemoryStream(data, false), fileName);
int duration = Environment.TickCount - ticks;
Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0} seconds", duration / 1000.0);
Console.WriteLine("Speed: {0} MB/sec", data.Length / (1000.0 * duration));