I have tried to use this functionnality between two servers (those servers have TLS both and I use proxy sock 5 to connect).
When i call the method, I have this error :
2011-07-18 14:21:10.751 ERROR Ftp(2) Info: Rebex.Net.TlsException: Fatal error 'ProtocolVersion' has been encountered on the local connection end. ---> Rebex.Net.TlsException: Fatal error 'ProtocolVersion' has been encountered on the local connection end.
at wWGvS.ckSCApZ.AePCoRZ()
at wWGvS.ckSCApZ.cDtmAOZ()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at wWGvS.ckSCApZ.cDtmAOZ()
at Rebex.Net.TlsSocket.Poll(Int32 microSeconds, SocketSelectMode mode)
at wWGvS.AgXIfM.NYQdX(Int32 )
at wWGvS.AgXIfM.BMJzdYZ(Byte[] , Int32 )
at wWGvS.AgXIfM.BbLKfs(String& , Int32 )
at wWGvS.AgXIfM.KsZclZ(Int32 )
at wWGvS.AgXIfM.KsZclZ()
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.cLttUyZ(String , String , Ftp , Ftp )
at Rebex.Net.Ftp.CopyToAnotherServer(Ftp destinationServer, String sourcePath, String destinationPath)
Can you help please ?
Thanks in advance