0 votes
by (620 points)
related to an answer for: How to force a SFTP.Connect to abort.

1 Answer

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by (74.0k points)
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Best answer

Thank you for reporting this. We will fix in for the next release.

Update: This has been fixed in Rebex components 2020 R5 release.

by (148k points)
To be more specific, this will go into 2020 R5 release. (2020 R4 is now already feature complete and scheduled for release.)
by (620 points)
Oh that's too bad...
Any chance we can get a build with this fix?
by (148k points)
I just sent a link to the hotfix to your e-mail.

(Also please note that you currently have a single-developer license. If more developers are going to use the libraries, make sure they are properly licensed - see https://www.rebex.net/shop/faq/ for details.)
by (620 points)
Thank you very much. The hotfix is working well.
by (148k points)
Thanks for letting us know!