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by (240 points)
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Hi, I am done with writing the code for connecting, downloading and uploading files to the FTP,FTPS and SFTP servers.I have a FTP server for testing the FTP code. But i don't have FTPS and SFTP servers. Can any one suggest me FTPS and SFTP open or free servers for testing my code? I found this site for FTPS "ftp.secureftp-test.com ", but it supports only downloading files. I need to test uploading also.

Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL, Rebex SFTP

3 Answers

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by (18.1k points)
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Best answer

We've recently launched a new testing server test.rebex.net. It supports both FTP/SSL and SFTP protocols, but still in read only mode (for the reasons Lukas mentions above).

0 votes
by (149k points)

We've recently launched a new testing server at test.rebex.net. It
supports both FTP/SSL and SFTP protocols, but still in read only mode.

If you need a test server to test uploads, try FileZilla Server (free) for FTP and FTPS. It's free and good enough. For SFTP, install our Tiny SFTP Server (also free).

0 votes
by (13.3k points)
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Free online SFTP servers:

You can find a list of public SFTP servers with free access on SFTP.net website. All of them are read-only.

SFTP server to run on your machine:

For read-write access using your own SFTP server would be needed. SFTP.net includes also list of SFTP servers (mostly) for Windows.

Rebex Tiny SFTP Server

But don't be afraid. Two of listed servers are quite minimalistic - Rebex Tiny SFTP server requires no installation at all. Just unpack the ZIP, run the application and push the start button. You can even download server C# source code if you want to modify it for your testing.

Buru Server

Full featured, scriptable SFTP server. No installation needed. Just
download it from BuruServer.com, unzip and run following commands:

buru user add myuser --password mypassword --rootdir c:\data
buru run

BuruServer.com - Getting started
BuruServer.com - Downloads

Core Free Mini SFTP Server

Core Free Mini SFTP server setup is also pretty easy. For Core Free Mini server download scroll down to the middle of page. On the top there are downloads for their full-featured server.
