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by (140 points)

I have some folders with "*" in the name, for example "** RCC **".

When i get folders list, the property IsSelectable is false, how can i see the emails in this folder?

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

1 Answer

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by (149k points)

The IsSelectable property is false for IMAP folders with '\noselect' IMAP folder attribute. This attribute indicates that the folder is not selectable. This implies that:

  1. This folder is not supposed to contain any emails. (It is most likely just a node in a hierarchy of IMAP folders.)
  2. It is not possible to list emails in this folder. (However, there are not supposed to be any emails there anyway.)
by (140 points)
Any folder that contain "*" show my as IsSelectable false.
This is a commun folder, has many emails inside.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.487 INFO Imap(39)[8] Response: * LIST (\NoSelect \HasNoChildren) "/" "*** VIVA VOZ ***"
2019-11-29 09:48:08.489 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Ready' to 'Sending'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.489 INFO Imap(39)[8] Command: R00004 STATUS "*** VIVA VOZ ***" (UNSEEN)
2019-11-29 09:48:08.489 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Sending' to 'Reading'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.490 INFO Imap(39)[8] Response: * STATUS "*** VIVA VOZ ***" (UNSEEN 1)
2019-11-29 09:48:08.490 INFO Imap(39)[8] Response: R00004 OK STATUS completed
2019-11-29 09:48:08.490 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Ready'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.491 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Ready' to 'Sending'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.491 INFO Imap(39)[8] Command: R00005 EXAMINE "*** VIVA VOZ ***"
2019-11-29 09:48:08.491 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Sending' to 'Reading'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.496 INFO Imap(39)[8] Response: R00005 NO EXAMINE failed
2019-11-29 09:48:08.496 DEBUG Imap(39)[8] Info: State changed from 'Reading' to 'Ready'.
2019-11-29 09:48:08.499 ERROR Imap(39)[8] Info: Rebex.Net.ImapException: EXAMINE failed (NO).
   at Rebex.Net.Imap.xyhf(String aq, ImapResponse ar, Boolean as)
   at Rebex.Net.Imap.xyhe(String ao, ImapResponse ap)
   at Rebex.Net.Imap.xyje(String fq, Boolean fr)
by (149k points)
IsSelectable is false for folders that are listed by the IMAP server with "\NoSelect" attribute. Whether or not the folder name contains "*" is irrelevant from Rebex IMAP's (or other IMAP client's) point of view. If any folder that contains "*" shows with IsSelectable false, that implies that the server lists those folders with "\NoSelect" attribute. And, as your log confirms (EXAMINE command is just a read-only form of SELECT command), it is actually enforcing this non-selectability.

If these folders actually do contain emails, and are not supposed to be non-selectable, this would be a server-side issue. There is nothing an IMAP client can do about it, unfortunately. It's the IMAP server that's listing those folders as non-selectable and refusing to select them.
by (140 points)
i change the folder name replacing "**" to "." and work, i'll analise the server-side.
thx so much.