+1 vote
by (200 points)

Given the age of EWS and recent announcements last year about Office365 no longer supporting basic authentication via EWS as of Oct 2020, does Rebex have plans to support Microsoft Graph api's as par of Secure Mail product?

Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (149k points)
edited by

Rebex MS Graph client library is now available!

We already support OAuth 2.0 for EWS, and this will keep working with EWS after October 2020. We currently have no plans to support Graph API.

by (200 points)
Just curious if there are any new changes to your road map to consider supporting Graph API as part of Secure Mail Product?
by (149k points)
Sorry, but it's unlikely this will change any time soon. For the foreseeable future, we plan to concentrate on widening our support for open protocols and standards. We don't plan to concentrate on supporting proprietary APIs that are under sole control of a single corporate entity.

If you need to use some parts of MS Graph API on a legacy platform that is not supported by MS Graph API SDK, our Rebex HTTPS library could be easily used to achieve that with a bit of custom code. We can also help implementing a library for this on a custom development basis - see https://www.rebex.net/support/services/ for an overview.
by (310 points)
Hi Lukas. Just to know. Are there still no plans of supporting Microsoft Graph via Rebex Secure Mail? Thanks
by (149k points)
We actually implemented a simple prototype API to cover mail sending functionality, and based on that experience, we decided to further postpone attempts at a Graph API support in Rebex Secure Mail until Graph API actually gains more feature parity with EWS.

Simply said, we are somewhat hesitant to ship a library for an API that is unable to accept a MIME e-mail longer than 3MB for delivery. This is not even documented in Microsoft's Graph API documentation, and that's just one of many strange Graph API limitations that makes Graph API in its current form a bad match for Rebex Secure Mail.

On the other hand, EWS is already a mature and powerful API and it looks like it's not going away any time soon.
by (200 points)
Hi Lukas, given the announcement here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/retirement-of-exchange-web-services-in-exchange-online/ba-p/3924440
That on October 1, 2026, Microsoft will start blocking EWS requests from non-Microsoft apps to Exchange Online, has this changed the decision in anyway?
I'm fully aware also that there are still parity issues with Graph api and EWS (the comment section on that page alone are a good read), however just wondering if this announcement kind of pushes your hand a bit on being forced to implement it in Rebex Secure Mail?
by (149k points)
We are indeed going to add a new client library for Graph API soon. The first version is almost finished and will appear in next release of Rebex Secure Mail.
If you would like to try a preview build, let me know!
by (149k points)
Rebex MS Graph client library has been published: https://www.rebex.net/graph/