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by (130 points)
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I have a Linux server (ftp.plurimedia.fr) that I want to connect to using a username and a password
The following code gives an error 'Key exchange failed. Requested service is not implemented.'

   var session = new SshSession();
   session.Connect("ftp.plurimedia.fr", 22);

I also tried :

   var ssh = new Rebex.Net.Ssh();
   // connect to a server

but somehow Rebex.Net.Ssh() is not recognized. Which namespace is missing?

I am using the last (paid)Rebex version, in .net Framework 4.5

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (74.0k points)

The "Requested service is not implemented" error occurs when the client receives a SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED response from the server (see RFC4253). Without further investigation, we are unable to tell whether this is a fault in Rebex SSH or not.

Please create Verbose communication log and send it to support@rebex.net for analysis. The log can be done like this:

var session = new SshSession();
session.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(@"c:\data\ssh.log", Rebex.LogLevel.Verbose);
session.Connect("ftp.plurimedia.fr", 22);

The Rebex.Net.Ssh class is part of Rebex Terminal Emulation product. If you have bought Rebex SFTP product, the class is not included.

by (130 points)
edited by
Thanks but which namespaces should I use ?
      var session = new Rebex.Net.SshSession();
       session.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(@"c:\data\ssh.log", Rebex.LogLevel.Verbose);
       session.Connect("ftp.plurimedia.fr", 22);

I get the following error :
The type 'SshSession' exists in both 'Rebex.Net.Ssh, Version=2.0.4086.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c4638788972655d' and 'Rebex.Networking, Version=3.0.6249.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1c4638788972655d'     

 I dont understand because I use

 var session = new Rebex.Net.SshSession();

Ole Dufour
by (149k points)
It looks like you are trying to use two different sets of Rebex assemblies in a single project. One is a seven-year-old legacy version ( https://www.rebex.net/ssh-pack/history.aspx#4086 ), the other one is one-year-only 2017 R1 version ( https://www.rebex.net/ssh-pack/history.aspx#2017R1 ).

Please discard the old version and try again (remove Rebex.Net.* assemblies, keep the rest - check out http://blog.rebex.net/version-2012-r1/ for details).
by (130 points)
Good stuff, thanks. Got it up and running. Would like to give you kudos but that doesn't seem to work for comments!