0 votes
by (230 points)

How can I parse the digital signature (.p7s) so I can get information like:
Subject, From, Signed by, Validity, etc..?

by (74.3k points)
Can you please send us example of your .p7s file to support@rebex.net?
The .p7s is typically attached to original message and it contains typically signature only (it doesn't contain Subject, From, etc.)
Very probably, you need to use classes from https://www.rebex.net/secure-mail.net/ such as MailMessage, MimeMessage, MimeEntity or SignedData

2 Answers

0 votes
by (230 points)
Best answer
   var mail = new MailMessage();

   Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}", mail.Subject);
   Console.WriteLine("From: {0}", mail.From);

   if (!mail.IsSigned)
          Console.WriteLine("Mail is not signed.");
          foreach (SubjectInfo signer in mail.Signers)
                 Console.WriteLine("Signed by: {0}", string.Join(", ", signer.Certificate.GetMailAddresses()));
          var validity = mail.ValidateSignature();
          if (validity.Valid)
                 Console.WriteLine("Signature is valid.");
                 Console.WriteLine("Signature is not valid: {0}", validity.Status);
                 Console.WriteLine("Certificate validation status: {0}", validity.CertificateValidationStatus);
0 votes
by (230 points)

If you view a Digital Signature in Microsoft Outlook it explicitly has:

Digital Signature:
Signed By:
I will send you a picture of what I am talking about.
