+1 vote
by (130 points)

I would like to write an FTP, FTP/SSL, SFTP, SCP and SSH file server.

Will FTP and FTP/SSL protocols also be supported by the Rebex File Server?

And if so, what will the timeframe be?

Applies to: Rebex FTP/SSL, File Server

1 Answer

0 votes
by (149k points)

We do plan to eventually add FTP and FTP/SSL support to Rebex File Server, but we don't have a specific timeframe yet.

Rebex File Server is a new component and we are currently gathering user feedback and deciding on its future directions. In the near-term, we plan to add FileUploaded/FileDownloaded events, support for SSH tunneling, and virtual filesystems. When we are done with these features, adding FTP and FTP/SSL will most likely become the next step in Rebex File Server evolution.

by (150 points)
Hi, I'm interested in whether FileServer component will support FTP protocol, and I was wondering If you have any news about this.

thanks in advance.
by (149k points)
Support for FTP protocol (and its TLS/SSL variant) protocol is one of the features we would definitely like to add.

However, we are currently busy with other improvements (such as a virtual file system API or support for Elliptic Curve ciphers) and we are not yet sure what area we are going to improve next.

When we have any news on this, we will update this thread.