I've a software in prod using an old version of Rebex and I've this error when opening an MSG file:
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail] : Error while parsing compound MSG file. (le détail de l'erreur est égal à ExceptionDetail, probablement créé par IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=True, dont la valeur est :
Rebex.Mail.MailException: Error while parsing compound MSG file. ----> 99RMJ.1B4izIZ: MSG file doesn't contain data stream for the InferenceMessageIdentifier property (ID:0x80120048).
à 99RMJ.RsPm8.rHpLbZ()
à 99RMJ.SWNpk.1FV9lG(String , 1eXGET )
à 99RMJ.RsPm8.rHpLbZ()
à 99RMJ.SWNpk.1FV9lG(String , 1eXGET )
à 99RMJ.SWNpk.1FV9lG(String , 1eXGET )
à 99RMJ.SWNpk.aD5XxZ(kkVvqZ )
à 99RMJ.SWNpk.aD5XxZ(Stream )
à Rebex.Mail.MailMessage.Load(Stream input)
--- Fin du suivi de la pile ExceptionDetail interne ---
à Rebex.Mail.MailMessage.Load(Stream input)
à Rebex.Mail.MailMessage.Load(String fileName)
The Rebex.Mail.dll version is: 2.0.4546.0
It seems, looking on your history page, this is the version 2012 R2
Do you know why this happend ? And how to know if it's fixed with the latest version ?
Thank you for your help