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by (570 points)

I have an application that runs on a mobile device ( Windows Mobile ), connecting to a Telnet server. The complete app, including the Telnet interface is written in vb. It has a problem though : From time to time the mobile device may 'sleep' or even loose power. When the device comes alive again, I need the session to continue from where it left off, but the device sees the session as closed.

I'd be interested in trying the Telnet library ( Compact Framework version ) - to see if it can handle the temporary session disconnect from the mobile device in a better way.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggest in this area please ?

Thanks Mart

2 Answers

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by (149k points)
Best answer

Unfortunately, our Telnet library does not currently support .NET Compact Framework. We have an experimental build for .NET CF, but it lacks the TerminalControl object (VirtualTerminal is there, however), which somewhat limits its usefulness. If you would like to give it a try, please let me know.

However, I don't think it would handle those disconnected session any better - when a telnet cnnection is lost, there is no way to resume it. One possible solution is the screen command supported by many Unix variants - check out http://compexperience.blogspot.com/2010/05/resuming-interrupted-ssh-session.html for more information.

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by (570 points)

Thanks Lukas, understood :-)
