+1 vote
by (360 points)

When connecting to SSH (for example with Putty) there is often a welcome message or a message of the day. Is there any way to use Rebex SSH to read this message?

To clarify, I know that on *nix systems this message is stored in /etc/motd, but I'd like to get the message on any kind of system, without running commands. What I'm looking for is something like this:

Ssh ssh = new Ssh(); ssh.Connect("", 22); ssh.Login("user", "password"); Console.WriteLine(ssh.Session.WelcomeMessage);

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (58.9k points)
Best answer

To be able to read the welcome message from the SSH shell, you have two possibilities:

1) if you know the prompt of the server, you can use Ssh object's StartShell method, supply the expected Prompt and then you will be able to read the welcome message like this:

Ssh ssh = new Ssh();
ssh.Connect("server", 22);
ssh.Login("username", "password");

Shell shell = ssh.StartShell(ShellMode.Prompt);
shell.Prompt = "expected_prompt ";
string welcome = shell.ReadAll();

2) if you do not know the prompt of the server in advance you can take advantage of the StartVirtualTerminal method and the VirtualTerminal class. You would have to Process the data comming from the SSH server for a constant amount of time (depending on your possibilities and requirements) as in the following code:

Ssh ssh = new Ssh();
ssh.Connect("server", 22);
ssh.Login("username", "password");

var terminal = ssh.StartVirtualTerminal();
var welcome = GetWelcomeMessage(terminal, 3 * 1000);

private string GetWelcomeMessage(VirtualTerminal terminal, int milliseconds)
    int start = Environment.TickCount;
    string data = string.Empty;
    while (terminal.Process(milliseconds) == TerminalState.DataReceived)
        data += terminal.ReceivedData;
        milliseconds -= Environment.TickCount - start;
        if (milliseconds <= 0)
    // remove last line which is only the server's prompt
    int idx = data.LastIndexOf('\n');
    if (idx > 0)
        data = data.Substring(0, idx);
    return data;
by (360 points)

The second method works perfectly, thank you!

0 votes
by (58.9k points)

You can read the SSH server welcome message with the ServerIdentification property like this:

Ssh ssh = new Ssh();
ssh.Connect("sshServer", 22);
ssh.Login("username", "password");
by (360 points)

This returns the ID of the SSH server, not the motd. For example on LinuxMint it returns "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-3ubuntu1", the message I am looking for looks like this:

Welcome to Linux Mint 14 Nadia (GNU/Linux 3.5.0-17-generic x86_64)

Welcome to Linux Mint * Documentation: www.linuxmint.com Last login: Fri Sep 6 14:15:56 2013 from

by (58.9k points)

Yes you are right. See my newer answer below.
