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by (120 points)

Hi, I am using the latest version of Rebex.Mail 2.0.4700.0. When I assign international characters to the "To" field of an email and save it to an eml and then try to view the eml file with Thunderbird. The international characters are not displayed properly. Looks like the international string is split at the wrong position.

Here is my sample code:

        MailMessage mymsg = new MailMessage();
        mymsg.To = "<drguesswho@mommmy.com>, <newbie2erererer@hotmail.com>, <bobysam@hotmail.com>, <test_1234567@222.com>, <samboby@royale.com>, <jamesss@rrrrrrr.ro>, \\中华导报\\ <bobysam@gmail.com>";

If you need more details, please let me know.


Applies to: Rebex Secure Mail
by (58.9k points)

Hello, we have been able to reproduce this issue you reported and we are working on the problem. We will get back to you once we solve it.

by (120 points)

Glad you were able to reproduce the issue, please let me know asap once this is resolve as it is very important.

by (149k points)

You were right, the problem was caused by (occasionally) improper splitting of multi-byte UTF-8 characters. Thanks for letting us know about it, and sorry for inconvenience! A hotfix build is available.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (149k points)

We have solved this issue - please download a hotfix release, give it a try and let us know whether everything is OK now. If you already purchased a license and would like a non-trial hotfix, please contact us at support@rebex.net.

by (120 points)

Thanks that seems to fix the issue I had.

by (149k points)

Thanks for letting me know! We will include the fix in the next public release.
