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by (120 points)

Currently I use the RebexFileTransferPack-Full-1.0.3127.0-DotNet2.0 version and unfortunately I am not going to upgrade. I would like to get a well described example how to build the ResumableTransfer sftp client (a console app or a service with auto-resume functionality) Any comments and advices are much appreciated. I use VS2010/4.0.net, so I will refer to 2.0 build rebex assembly.

Thank you in advance

Applies to: Rebex SFTP

1 Answer

0 votes
by (149k points)

In the current version of Rebex File Transfer pack, resuming file transfer is very easy - once connected and authenticated, the following line of code is all you need:

client.Upload("source.zip", "/target_dir", TraversalMode.NonRecursive, ActionOnExistingFiles.ResumeIfPossible)

Unfortunately, this method was not available in v1.0.3127.0 (released in 2008). Instead, check out the ResumableTransfer sample app that came with the install package - the BackgroundDownload and BackgroundUpload methods (in MainForm.cs/MainForm.vb file) demonstrate how to resume a file transfer and describe the process in detail.
