Unfortunately, adding password protection to an existing Zip archive without extracting and rezipping it is not possible with the current version. If you miss this feature, you can create/vote for it at rebex.uservoice.com
Here is the code how to do it with rezipping:
string sourcePath = "source.zip";
string targetPath = "target.zip";
string password = "pwd";
using (ZipArchive source = new ZipArchive(sourcePath),
target = new ZipArchive(targetPath, ArchiveOpenMode.Create))
// set encryption values for target archive
target.EncryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256;
target.Password = password;
// iterate through all items in archive
foreach (ZipItem item in source.GetItems("*", TraversalMode.Recursive))
// check if the item can be extracted
if (!item.CanExtract)
new ApplicationException(string.Format("Item {0} cannot be extracted.", item.Path));
if (item.IsDirectory)
// create directory to persist empty directories also
// get stream to read decompressed data of the file
using (Stream file = item.Open())
target.AddFile(file, item.Path);